
College Admission

Admission to Santa Barbara City College is governed by the laws of the State of California and such supplementary regulations as have been prescribed by the Santa Barbara Community College District Board of Trustees. Citizens of other countries and out-of-state (non-resident) students are required to pay international or non-resident tuition as well as enrollment fees.

Open Enrollment

It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of the Santa Barbara Community College District that, unless specifically exempted by statute or regulation, every course, course section, or class, reported for state aid, wherever offered and maintained by the district, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to Santa Barbara City College and who meets such prerequisites as may be established, pursuant to section 55003 of Division 6 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

Graduates of High Schools

Graduates of high schools, or equivalent, are eligible for admission and may undertake any program of study for which they are prepared.

Persons 18 years of Age or Older

Persons 18 years of age or older who have not received a high school diploma, or equivalent, may be admitted to the college if they can reasonably profit from instruction.

High School Students (9th Grade or Higher): Dual Enrollment Program

Students enrolled in a public or private secondary school who are eligible for ninth (9th) grade or higher may apply and concurrently register in up to 11 units of college-level courses at Santa Barbara City College through the Dual Enrollment Program.

Course prerequisites apply. Some courses are not available to concurrently enrolled high school students. The student must have a recommendation from his/her principal or high school counselor and a Parent Consent Form on file.

In accordance with Education Code Section 76001, special part-time K–12 students enrolled in the secondary schools and attending SBCC (enrolled up to and including 11 units) are exempt from paying the enrollment fee. Special full-time K–12 students (12 units and above per semester) may not be exempt from the enrollment fee and are subject to paying the enrollment fee for all the units; they may, however, be individually considered for the California College Promise Grant fee waivers, part A, B or C. Those students who are enrolled in 12 units and above per semester and who do not qualify for a California College Promise Grant fee waiver will be required to pay the enrollment fee for all units. Non-resident Dual Enrollment students are exempt from paying non-resident tuition for credit courses during any semester or term in which he/she is enrolled in 11 or fewer units while attending a California high school. This exemption does not apply to special K-12 students enrolled in 12 units and above per semester.  This exemption does not apply to categories of students who would be precluded from qualifying for the AB 540 nonresident tuition exemption. High school students who are concurrently registered in courses given ON the SBCC campus must pay the transportation and health fees.


Dual Enrollment students must complete an online admissions application and additional approval forms. Dual Enrollment approval forms are available through students’ high school counselors, SBCC's Admissions & Records and on the Apply and Enroll website.  Students attending a 9–12 grade home school must attach a copy of the Home School Affidavit to the Dual Enrollment Approval Form. Contact Dual Enrollment at (805) 965-0581 ext. 8170 or for more information visit the Dual Enrollment website.

College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP)

In December of 2020, SBCC in partnership with the Carpinteria and Santa Barbara Unified School Districts, agreed to the terms of a College and Career Access Pathways Dual Enrollment partnership.  The agreement expands dual enrollment opportunities for students to enroll into college courses taught on the high school campuses. The agreement is consistent with the provisions of AB 288, for high school students who may not already be college bound or who are underrepresented in higher education with the goal of developing seamless pathways from high school to community college for career technical education or preparation for transfer, improving high school graduation rates, and helping high school students to achieve college and career readiness.  To view the full agreement visit

Middle College

Through Alta Vista Alternative High School's Middle College at SBCC, a limited number of local high school students who want to earn a high school diploma in the SBCC environment may complete their high school graduation requirements through an Independent Study program while also taking classes at SBCC. The curriculum is rigorous and relevant and complemented by individualized support.  Middle College is designed to equip students for a smooth transition to college by helping students develop critical thinking, time-management and self-advocacy skills. Acceptance into the program is determined by the on-campus instructors through an application process. Contact Regina Freking at, or (805) 897-3561.

Special Admit Students

Persons less than 18 years of age who do not plan to be enrolled in a secondary school program, and who are eligible to enter ninth (9th) grade or higher, may petition the Director, Admissions & Records, to register as a Special Admit Student. Special application procedures and documentation requirements apply. Petitions must be filed at least fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the semester. Interested persons should contact the Director, Admissions & Records at (805) 730-4334/Student Services 110.

Persons not eligible to enter ninth (9th) grade or higher may petition the Director, Admissions & Records  to register as a Special Dual Enrollment Student. Special application procedures and documentation requirements apply. Petitions must be filed at least fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the semester. Interested persons should contact the Director, Admissions & Records (805) 730-4334/Student Services 110. 

Out-of-State Students

Out-of-state students may be admitted to the college on the same basis as California residents except that they will be required to pay non-resident tuition, as well as enrollment fees, prescribed by the Board of Trustees to cover the costs of instruction. After a student has been physically present in California for one year and has manifested clear intent to become a California resident, the student may apply for reclassification as a California resident. State law requires consideration of financial independence for students seeking reclassification. It is the student’s responsibility to substantiate his or her claim for residency. Visit the Residency website for more information.


International Students: Other than F-1 Visa

Students on visas other than F-1 or M-1 will be evaluated for eligibility and for residency status based on the type of visa, visa issuance and expiration date, length of stay in California, and intent to maintain California as their permanent home.

International Students: F-1 Visa Admission Requirements

  1. Application deadlines:
    1. Fall Semester: June 1 (New) June 15 (Transfer)
    2. Spring Semester: October 15 (New) November 1 (Transfer)
    3. Summer Session: April 1
  2. Age Requirement
    1. Students must be 18 years or older by the start of the semester without restrictions.
    2. Students 17 years old with H.S. Diploma, Parental Agreement (minors must live with a local host family)
  3. Confidential Financial Statement: Verification of funds sufficient to cover expenses while in this country, $15,374 (1 semester) $30,747 (2 semesters), or $41,668 (2 semesters plus summer session). An official bank certification letter issued within the past 6 months verifying the funds must accompany the Confidential Financial Statement Form.
  4. Transcript of School Records: A complete transcript of all previous high school, English language programs, secondary school and collegiate or university work. Eligibility for admission requires the equivalent of a GPA of 2.0 or better. Transcripts written in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official English translation.
  5. Students wishing to enroll in the International Student Academic Program must demonstrate English proficiency. Students wishing to enroll in the English as a Second Language Program (ESL) must take the SBCC English assessment test for placement into the appropriate level.
  6. All international students are required to purchase the insurance plan approved by the college. No other insurance will be accepted. Students must purchase student insurance at the time of registration. The policy is approximately $1,765 per academic year (subject to change).
  7. Submit a Verification of Status Form only if you are transferring from a school within the United States where you attended as an F-1 student. See Students who attend a language school prior to transferring to SBCC must maintain an attendance record of at least 80%.
  8. A non-refundable $75.00 application fee, which is payable online, is required for processing the application.
  9. Majors that require a state license are not open to International students (i.e. Nursing, Cosmetology, etc.) Reach out to the International Students office for more information. 

Rules and Regulations Governing Enrollment of F-1 Students

  1. All F-1 visa students are required to enroll in and maintain 12 or more units per semester (12.0 units for Summer, if initial session) unless they have prior written authorization from the International Student Support Program. Regular attendance in all classes is required for the duration of the semester. Failure to adhere to the requirements will constitute a violation of students; visa status. Authorization for reduced course load will be given only in limited circumstances, as specified by federal regulations. When a student has violated the visa status, the student must apply to the Department of Homeland Security for reinstatement. Until the student is reinstated, the student’s ability to travel, work, or transfer is impeded.
  2. International students cannot depend on employment for financial support while in the United States. Employment in the U.S. is unlawful unless it is authorized by the Department of Homeland Security. Students are permitted to work on campus up to 19.5 hours per week; however, job opportunities on campus are limited.
  3. International students are required to adhere to the same academic standards as other students and are subject to the same rules of probation and disqualification. Failure to make normal progress may result in a violation of visa status.
  4. International students are required to pay a $361 tuition fee per unit in addition to an international tuition capital outlay fee of $22 per unit and an enrollment fee of $46 per unit (subject to change).

Program Admission—Supplemental Applications

The following instructional programs require supplemental applications, in addition to the general college application.


Acceptance to the Cosmetology Academy is based on the number of spaces available, the postmark date of the completed application and attendance at an SBCC Cosmetology Academy Orientation meeting. Applications are available from the Cosmetology Academy, 525 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93110. For more information, contact Ms. Awanda Johnson at (805) 683-4191, ext. 2, or refer to the Cosmetology Academy in the Department and Course Descriptions section of this Catalog.

Honors Program

To be eligible for the Honors Program students must have a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA from high school with no grade lower than a “C” in any academic subject. Continuing, returning and transfer students who have completed 12 units or more must also have a 3.0 cumulative GPA, with no grade below a “C” in an academic subject. Students must be eligible for or have completed English 110 and at least Math 107. English and Mathematics placement examinations are part of the SBCC enrollment procedure. Mathematics eligibility for the program may also be met with three years of high school math, including two years of algebra, with grades of “C” or better. It is expected that some potential Honors students will have tested into or satisfied the English 110, Math 117 or 150 by earning a qualifying score on the English AP or IB test or completing English 110, Math 117 or Psychology 150 at SBCC while in high school. These students should contact the Assessment Office for placement.

The honors program application and a list of courses offered may be found online or from Dr. Mark Bobro and/or Wendy Peters the Honors Program Directors.

Official high school or college transcripts must be submitted with the applications. (Continuing students do not need to provide an SBCC transcript.) Applications will not be accepted unless they are complete: Application, transcripts, AP/IB scores if necessary, and writing sample must be submitted to the Director. Once admitted, students must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and complete Honors 100—Colloquium to continue in the program.

For more information, refer to the Honors Program in the Department and Course Description sections of this Catalog..

Marine Diving Technologies

Special supplemental application procedures and admission criteria apply to this program. For additional information, contact the Marine Diving Technologies Department, (805) 730-4226.

Radiographic and Imaging Sciences

Special supplemental application procedures and admission criteria apply to this program. Refer to the Radiographic and Imaging Sciences section of this Catalog for additional information, or contact the Health Technologies Office, (805) 730-4166.

School of Nursing: Associate Degree Nursing, Vocational Nursing, Certified Nursing Assistant

Special supplemental application procedures and admission criteria apply to these programs. Refer to the School of Nursing in the Catalog Index for additional information, or contact the Health Technologies Office, (805) 730-4166.