
Dr. Erika Endrijonas Superintendent/President 

Dr. María L. Villagómez, Ed. D - Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Academic Affairs

Paloma Arnold - Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Student Affairs

Daniel Le Guen-Schmidt - Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Human Resources

Brian Fahnestock - Interim Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Business Services

Carola Smith - Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, School of Extended Learning 

Jordan Killebrew - Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications

Dr. Dean Nevins - Executive Director of Information Technology

Dr. Keller Magenau- Director Institutional Assessment, Research and Planning

President’s Office

Dr. Erika Endrijonas - Superintendent/President 

Paulmena Kelly - Sr. Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/President and Board of Trustees

Jordan Killebrew - Executive Director of Public Affairs and Communications

Linda Esparza Dozer - Title IX and Gender Equity Coordinator

Human Resources

Daniel Le Guen-Schmidt - Assistant Superintendent/Vice President

Perla Jones - Interim Director, Human Resources

Business Services

Brian Fahnestock - Interim Assistant Superintendent/Vice President

Erik Fricke - Director, Campus Safety and Emergency Response

Ruie Garnica - Manager, Purchasing

Paul Miller - Director, Auxiliary Services

Rob Morales - Director, Facilities

Rudy Hill - Controller

Information Technology

Dr. Dean Nevins - Executive Director, Information Technology

Thomas Applebay - Director, Information Technology Administrative Systems

Jim Clark - Director, Information Technology User Services

Jason Walker - Director, Student Technology Support

Academic Affairs

Dr. María L. Villagómez, Ed.D - Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Academic Affairs

Dr. Jens-Uwe Kuhn - Dean

Dr. Elizabeth Imhof - Dean

Michael Medel - Dean

Dr. Alan Price - Dean

Dr. Elizabeth Taylor-Schott  - Dean

LaDeane Hansten -  Director, Athletics

Student Affairs

Paloma Arnold - Assistant Superintendent/Vice  President, Student Affairs

Christina Llerena - Dean

Dr. Christopher Johnson - Associate Dean