Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each student at Santa Barbara City College to be a responsible member of the college community by reading and complying with the published policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the college, as outlined in this Catalog, the Schedule of Credit Classes and other official materials, including online publications by visiting the SBCC website. The following are some of the most frequently referenced policies and administrative procedures.

Academic Integrity Policy (BP 5550; AP 5550)

These procedures expand, clarify and set forth clear levels of authority and disciplinary protocols in response to academic dishonesty, as referenced in Santa Barbara City College’s Standards of Student Conduct.


Academic dishonesty is defined as an act of obtaining or attempting to present academic work through fraudulent or deceptive means in order to obtain credit for this work. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:


Failure to observe the expressed procedures of an academic exercise, including, but not limited to:

  • Unauthorized use of commercial “research” services, such as term papers
  • Providing information to others without instructor’s permission or allowing the opportunity for others to obtain information that provides the recipient with an advantage on an exam or assignment
  • Unauthorized communication with fellow students during a quiz or exam 
  • Copying material from another student’s quiz or exam
  • Permitting another student to copy from a quiz or exam
  • Permitting another person to take a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation in lieu of the enrolled student
  • Using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids (e.g., textbook, notes, data, images, formula list, dictionary, calculator, etc.) in any academic exercise or exam
  • Unauthorized collaboration in providing or requesting assistance, such as sharing information on an academic exercise or exam through cell phones and texting
  • Unauthorized use of another person’s data in completing a computer or lab exercise
  • Using computer and word processing systems to gain access to, alter and/or use unauthorized information
  • Altering a graded exam or assignment and requesting that it be re-graded; submission of altered work after grading shall be considered academically dishonest, including, but not limited to, changing answers after an exam or assignment has been returned or submitting another’s exam as one’s own to gain credit
  • Attempting to hinder the academic work of another student


Falsification or invention of any information in an academic exercise, including, but not limited to:

  • Fabricating or altering data to support research
  • Presenting results from research that was not performed; submitting material for lab assignments, class projects or other assignments, which is wholly or partially falsified, invented or otherwise does not represent work accomplished or undertaken by the student
  • Crediting source material that was not directly used for research
  • Falsification, alteration or misrepresentation of official or unofficial records or documents, including, but not limited to, academic transcripts, academic documentation, letters of recommendation, and admissions applications or related documents

Fraud, Misrepresentation, Lying

Intentionally making an untrue statement or deceiving including, but not limited to:

  • Providing an excuse for an absence, tardiness, or late assignment with the intent to defraud the instructor, staff or the college
  • Checking into a District class, lab, center or other District resource with the intent to defraud instructors, staff or the college
  • Checking in or checking out of a District class, lab, center or other District resource for another student
  • Using another student’s District identification card for use in a class, lab, center or other District resource


The presentation of another’s words, images or ideas as if they were the student’s own, including, but not limited to:

  • Stealing the written, oral, artistic, or original works or efforts of others and presenting them as one’s own
  • The submission of material, whether in part or whole, authored by another person or source (e.g., the internet, book, journal, etc.), whether that material is paraphrased, translated or copied in verbatim or near-verbatim form without properly acknowledging the source. (It is the student’s responsibility to cite all sources.)
  • The submission of material edited, in part or whole, by another person that results in the loss of the student’s original voice or ideas (i.e. while an editor or tutor may advise a student, the final work submitted must be the work of the student, not that of the editor or tutor)
  • Translating all or any part of material from another language and presenting it as if it were the student’s own original work
  • Unauthorized transfer and use of another person’s computer file as the student’s own
  • Unauthorized use of another person’s data in completing a computer exercise

Multiple Submissions

Resubmission of a work with identical or similar content that has already received credit in a high school or another college course, including but not limited to:

  • Resubmission of work with identical or similar content from a past course in a current course without written consent of the present instructor
  • Submission of work with identical or similar content in concurrent courses without written consent of all instructors involved
  • When retaking a course, resubmission of work with identical or similar content from the past section of the same course without written consent of the present instructor

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to:

  • Taking a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation in place of another person
  • Allowing one student to copy from another
  • Attending a course posing as another student who is officially registered for that course
  • Providing material or other information (e.g., a solution to homework, a project or other assignments, a copy of an exam, exam key or any test information) to another student with knowledge that such assistance could be used to violate any other sections of this procedure
  • Distribution or use of notes or recordings based on college classes without the express written permission of the instructor for purposes other than individual or group study; this includes, but is not limited to, providing materials for distribution by services publishing class notes. (This restriction on unauthorized use applies to all information distributed or in any way displayed for use in relation to the class, whether obtained in class, via e-mail, on the Internet or via any other media.)

Culpability is not diminished when academic dishonesty occurs in drafts which are not the final version or when the student claims not to know the policy or procedures.

First Offense in a Course or Non-Course Activity

In course-related activities, when a student commits a first offense, decisions regarding the severity of penalties imposed for academic dishonesty shall reside with the instructor. An instructor may give written or verbal notice to a student that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action. To ensure students are held accountable for the same infraction in a different course or semester, an "Academic Integrity Violation Form" will be submitted by the instructor.  If the instructor chooses further disciplinary action, they will note this request on the, “Academic Integrity Violation Form.” The Chief Student Services Officer or designee shall retain this documentation in his/her files.

When a student commits a first offense in non-course activities, the appropriate District employee shall notify the appropriate Dean, Academic Affairs, and the Chief Student Services Officer or designee of the incident using the “Report a Concern Form.”

Penalties for the first offense may include the following:

  • A failing grade on the assignment, paper or exam. Violations related to placement shall nullify course placement for the term
  • Temporary Exclusion from an Activity or Class: An instructor may remove a student who is in violation of the guidelines for student conduct for the duration of the class meeting or activity during which the violation took place and, if necessary, for the following class meeting.
  • An additional assignment: An instructor may require the student to perform additional academic work

The student may appeal the determination of academic dishonesty and/or penalty using the discipline appeal procedure as outlined in AP 5520 Student Discipline Procedures.

Multiple Offenses in a Course or Non-Course Activity

In course-related activities, when a student commits a second or multiple offense(s), decisions regarding the severity of penalties imposed for academic dishonesty shall reside with the instructor and the Chief Student Services Officer or designee. The instructor shall notify the student of the penalties imposed and record the incident using the “Academic Integrity Violation Form.”

In non-course activities, when a student commits a second or multiple offenses, the appropriate District employee shall notify the Chief Student Services Officer or designee of the incident using the “Student of Concern Report Form.”

Penalties for the second or multiple offense(s) may include penalties listed for the first offense and penalties detailed below under the heading Multiple Offenses at the College.

The student may appeal the determination of academic dishonesty and/or penalty using the discipline appeal procedure outlined in AP 5520 Student Discipline Procedures.

Multiple Offenses at the College

When the Chief Student Services Officer or designee, has determined that an academic dishonesty infraction is a second such offense or multiple offenses, he/she shall initiate institutional action. Penalties may include, in addition to those listed above:

  • Censure: a verbal reprimand or recorded written statement which details how a student’s conduct violates District regulations. The student receiving such a verbal or a written statement shall be notified that such continued conduct or further violation of District regulations may result in further disciplinary action.
  • Disciplinary Probation: may consist of removal from all college clubs and organizations and denial of privileges of participating in all District or student- sponsored activities including public performances. Disciplinary probation may be imposed for a period not to exceed one year and can be rendered by an administrator. Notification of disciplinary probation actions shall be immediately reported in writing to the Chief Student Services Officer. A student placed on disciplinary probation may appeal to the Chief Student Services Officer. Records of disciplinary probation actions shall be retained in the office of the Chief Student Services Officer or designee and in the student’s file. A student has no right to appeal or to a due process hearing (Education Code Section 76031).
  • Summary Suspension: A student may be suspended from one or more classes for a period of up to ten days of instruction; from one or more classes for the remainder of the term; or from all classes and activities of the District for one or more terms. A suspended student may also be prohibited from occupying any portion of the campus and be denied participation in any or all college activities. Disciplinary suspensions shall be initiated by the Chief Student Services Officer and are subject to the Due Process Hearing and Appeal Procedures set forth in Section E of AP 5520 Discipline Procedures. Records of disciplinary suspensions shall be retained in the office of the Chief Student Services Office and in the student’s file (Education Code Sections 66017, 76030, and 76031).
  • Expulsion: the permanent and unconditional removal of a student from the District. A student may be expelled only by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Superintendent/President. The expulsion of a student is initiated by Chief Student Services Officer and is determined according to the Due Process Hearing and Appeal Procedures set forth in Sections E and F of AP 5520 Student Discipline Procedures (Education Code Section 76030).

Alcohol and Drug Use Policy

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require institutions of higher education to implement a drug prevention program, which includes the annual dissemination of the following policy on alcohol and drug use:

Santa Barbara City College is committed to the success of each student and, as a college it realizes that the use of alcohol and drugs can be a major impediment to success.

There are physical and psychological health risks associated with drug and alcohol use, including decreased immunity, exhaustion, decreased muscle coordination, depression, confusion and paranoia, among other conditions. In most cases, anyone who uses drugs and abuses alcohol can expect a decline in the quality of his/her life and difficulty with academic success.

The Student Health Services Program offers educational programming, peer health education programs, resources and counseling, as well as referrals to community service agency counseling and rehabilitation programs.

According to the Standards of Student Conduct, possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on college property or during campus-related activities are subject to disciplinary action. This can be up to, and including, expulsion from SBCC, as well as punishment under California State law.

Animals on Campus

Members of the campus community and visitors to the campus may bring their dogs or other pet animals to the campus as long as the owners comply with state and local regulations and these animals do not become a threat, nuisance, or significant distraction. With the exception of service animals, as defined in AP 3440, pet animals are not allowed in any District building, La Playa Stadium, or any District vehicle. See AP 3445 Animals on Campus for more information. Questions on college and municipal regulations in this area should be directed to the Campus Safety Office.


All students enrolled at Santa Barbara City College are expected to be punctual and to attend class regularly. Students who are not in attendance at the first class meeting are considered “no-shows” and the instructor may drop such persons in order to give their seats to non-registered students seeking to enroll. Also, an instructor may withdraw a student from semester-length courses at any time for excessive absence through the 9th week of the Fall/Spring semesters, and the 60% point of the class for Summer and courses less than a semester in length. As a guideline, absence is considered excessive if a student misses three (3) meetings, or the equivalent of one week of class attendance or according to absence guidelines as published in the course syllabus.

Absence due to a verified illness may be accepted as an excused absence for a limited period of time. Students are expected to notify their instructor by e-mail, phone and/or by sending a message via the learning management system (Canvas) if they are absent for a medical reason. Students are expected to make appointments for medical and dental treatments at times other than when classes are scheduled. Students anticipating or encountering extended absences due to medical, personal or family emergencies may contact the Dean, Student Affairs, Room SS-260, (805) 730-4037 for additional assistance as necessary.

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw online or in person in Admissions & Records prior to the published deadline. Students failing to officially withdraw may receive an “F”, “FW” or “NP” grade.

College Records

It is the responsibility of each student to:

  1. Update their personal data within the Student Portal.
  2. Withdraw officially from the college or drop classes when the student stops attending and to observe established deadlines.
  3. Submit legal, not fraudulent, documents.
  4. Repay any money received or owed as a result of the submission of fraudulent documentation or any other reason.


Santa Barbara City College is firmly committed to principles of honor, integrity, mutual respect and responsible citizenship. These values are embodied within the college’s Honor Code. The Honor Code is the keystone to the college’s belief that its students should act honorably and responsibly in all aspects of life, both on- and off-campus. The Honor Code incorporates the fundamental principles of honor, respect, citizenship and integrity in both personal conduct and academic work.

An effective honor code depends upon each student adhering to the spirit and letter of its principles. It demands accountability on the part of each student for his or her actions. Its essence is that any violation of this Code is an offense against the college community as a whole. The Honor Code is binding on all students and applies to all phases of student life at Santa Barbara City College. Students are responsible for their conduct at all times and shall be subject to disciplinary action for behavior that discredits themselves or Santa Barbara City College.

Honor Code

As a citizen of an academic community built upon a framework of trust, respect, integrity and honor, I pledge to uphold the values of the Santa Barbara City College Honor Code.

Academic Promise

I pledge truthfulness and absolute honesty in my performance on all academic work and pledge that all such work is a product of my efforts unless specifically assigned to be undertaken in a collaborative manner.

Community Promise

  • I pledge to be truthful at all times, to treat others with civility and respect, to respect the property of others and to adhere to Santa Barbara City College policies, administrative procedures and standards of student conduct.
  • Accepting both the privileges and responsibilities of living by this code of honor, I resolve to uphold this code and not to tolerate any violations of its spirit or principles.
  • As a commitment to these principles of honor and responsible citizenship, Santa Barbara City College students will be asked to read and sign the Honor Code as part of the application process.

Education Code Section 66300 states that the Board of Trustees shall adopt specific rules and regulations governing student behavior, along with applicable penalties, and that each student shall be provided with a copy of such policies. In compliance with this Education Code Section, the Board approved Standards of Student Conduct policies. A copy of these policies is available at Admissions & Records, SS-110 and are also available from the Dean, Educational Programs—Student Affairs, SS-260.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Standards

  • Federal regulations mandate that all institutions of higher education establish minimum standards of “satisfactory academic progress” for students receiving financial assistance.
  • All students who apply for and receive financial assistance are expected to meet the academic standards described in Santa Barbara City College’s Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
  • Copies of the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy are available in the Financial Aid Office, Room SS-210, or read it online on the Financial Aid website under Downloadable Forms.


It is the responsibility of an applicant for, and recipient of, financial aid to:

  1. Provide complete and accurate information regarding financial aid enrollment status, and any changes which may occur, knowing that he/she is responsible for any consequences which may result from misreporting information.
  2. Understand the college’s refund policy.
  3. Understand the college’s academic standards policy.
  4. Repay all student loans and notify the lender of any changes in name, address, or enrollment status.
  5. Perform the work that is agreed upon on acceptance of a Federal Work Study (FWS) award.
  6. Submit verifiable legal documents.

Injury/Accident Reporting

All accidental student injuries must be reported to the Student Health Services Office Room SS-170 within 72 hours of the incident to be eligible for student accident policy insurance coverage. This coverage is limited to accidental injuries, as defined by the insurance policy, while participating in college classes or activities and is secondary to any other medical insurance the student may have. Coverage and limitations are outlined in a brochure available in the Student Health Services Office.

Smoke-Free Workplace Policy

It is the intent of the college’s governing Board of Trustees to maintain a workplace that is conducive to the health and safety of our students and employees. Realizing the health hazards posed by smoking and by second-hand smoke, it is the policy of the Santa Barbara Community College District to maintain a smoke-free campus. In addition, the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited in any campus facility.

  • This policy pertains to students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors and the general public attending campus events.
  • This policy shall apply to all SBCC facilities, owned or leased, regardless of location, and all state and auxiliary vehicles.
  • Tobacco products shall not be commercially sold or distributed in any manner on campus. This includes free samples distributed by vendors. Advertising and sponsorship of campus events by tobacco companies is also prohibited.
  • The campus shall make available to students, faculty, staff and administrators information about smoking-cessation programs.
  • Smokers are requested to refrain from smoking while on campus. In any dispute arising under this policy, the rights of the non-smoker shall have preference. The district’s Grievance Policy may be used in cases of unresolved disputes regarding this policy.

This policy is compliant with State law AB-846, Chapter 342, Sections 19994.30 and 19994.33, of the Government Code Relating to Tobacco.

Student Success and Support Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the matriculated student to:

  1. Identify an education and career goal.
  2. Cooperate with the college in the development of a Student Educational Plan within the prescribed time period and to abide by the terms of that plan.
  3. Participate in academic and/or career counseling if the student is undecided in their academic m, not in good academic or progress standing, and/or is enrolled in English, reading or math courses that do not count toward the Associate Degree.
  4. Diligently engage in course activities and complete assigned coursework.
  5. Complete courses and maintain progress toward an educational goal and completing a course of study.

It is the responsibility of the College to:

  1. Take steps to ensure information regarding its matriculation policies and procedures are accessible and available to students.
  2. Ensure that once a student has identified a course of study and completed 15 semester units of degree applicable coursework the college shall provide the student with an opportunity to develop a comprehensive student education plan.

Parking and Traffic Regulations

Bikes, Skating and Skateboarding

Students are requested by the Campus Safety Office to observe the following rules and advisories regarding bicycles, roller skating and skateboarding:

  1. On campus, ride your bike on designated bike routes only;
  2. have your bike registered with the City of Santa Barbara;
  3. park and lock your bike in the bike racks provided;
  4. bikes parked illegally will be impounded;
  5. if you use your bike for transportation to and from campus, be sure to have sufficient lights and reflectors for night riding and good visibility; and
  6. no roller devices (roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, coasters, scooters, toy vehicles, or any similar device) are permitted on campus at any time.

Disabled Student Parking

Certain areas on the Santa Barbara City College campus have been designated for parking by disabled/handicapped students. Those students with significant disabilities may obtain authorization to park in such areas. Disabled parking permits may be applied for through the DSPS Office, Room SS-160. All vehicles parked in “Handicapped” zones must display the fee parking permit and a handicapped symbol. “Handicapped” zone violators will receive a $350 citation.

Mopeds and Motorcycles

Permits are not required for mopeds and motorcycles. However, they may be parked only in the designated areas for such vehicles on campus.

Parking and Traffic Enforcement

In accordance with the vehicle code, parking citations will be given for illegally parked vehicles in all campus parking lots. Payments should be submitted to the Cashier’s Office, Room SS-150. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed away at the owner’s expense. Vehicles with 5 or more outstanding citations may be subject to immobilization. The penalty fee schedule ranges from $20 to $350. If left unpaid for more than 21 days, a citation’s cost doubles in price. Failure to pay for the citation or make appearance, as required, will result in further legal action.

Permit Parking

Any student who intends to park a vehicle on campus must purchase a parking permit or pay for metered parking. Student permits may be purchased on the Student Portal. Student parking areas are provided along Loma Alta Drive, Shoreline Drive (beach frontage) Pershing Park and in West Campus lots. Cars are to be parked in those places specifically designated for students.